Ilya's work has been recognised by broadsheet, government, academic and popular media world wide. He is also a published academic author and speaker.
Ilya's work has been recognised by broadsheet, government, academic and popular media world wide. He is also a published academic author and speaker.
Broadsheet and government
Broadsheet and government
The Royal Society, Dynamics of data science skills
Financial Times, From Icahn to ‘I can’ social trading takes off
The Wall Street Journal, Tools Help Investors Wade Through All the Chatter on Twitter
The New York Times, Separating the Market-Moving Tweets from the Chaff
Financial Times, Traders tap Twitter for top stock tips
Financial Times, School for Quants
Academic, professional and speaking engagements
Academic, professional and speaking engagements
Scientific Reports (Nature Group), When Can Social Media Lead Financial Markets?
TEDx, Seeing the Future with Social Media
The Hedge Fund Journal, Weathering Economic Storms
WORLDCOMP'12, Mining Social Data with UCL's SocialSTORM Platform